DISCOVER : The Socialist Journey

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He is involved in several social initiatives that promote the monitoring of political violence and human rights. He believes that a non-violent approach to solving the issues is the best approach to the best way to end violence.

In order to achieve sustainable peace, Dr. Ahmed Haque promotes policies and development projects that include both, gender as well as human rights perspectives.

Dr. Ahmed Haque is a member of the Crime Surveillance And intelligence Council, Sub Editor for Cyber Cell / Media, and he is also associated with the State’s Police as a Cyber Analyst. His work on fighting organised crime is a direct contribution to law and enforcement agencies.

He is the Founder-President of the Islamic Cyber Cell Council which works towards raising awareness amongst the youngsters and encourages them to reject all kinds of communication that promote religious indoctrination, radicalisation and political manipulation. The other prime motive of this cyber cell is to avoid spreading fake news via social media, promote the right information and maintain peace & security.

Through all his initiatives, he has been able to positively change the mindset of thousands of vulnerable young men and women. Today many of them have a clear understanding of the danger of being associated with political violence, religious violence and extremist groups. Therefore, by raising awareness, he is successfully contributing to countering violent extremism and establishing sustainable peace.

Dr Ahmed Haque is also Appointed as the Director of the Jewish- Islamic International Peace Society, He's Trustee of Masjid va Madrasa Baitul Aakhirah, Mumbai . Youth president of Muslim Youth Anti terrorism committee , India . Member of Indian Muslim for Progress and Reforms and Advisory Board member of Delhi Minority Commission.